Dear NAGR Supporter,

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie just signed a handful of gun control bills into law.

Whats even worse is, many are saying he could be the leading man for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2016.

That's why it's vital you sign the open letter below to GOP Chairman Reince Preibus insisting he not promote Chris Christie as the future of the GOP.

Thanks -- in advance -- for your activism.

For freedom,

Dudley Brown, Executive Director, National Association for Gun Rights

Dudley Brown

Executive Vice President

Open Letter to GOP Chairman Reince Priebus
Do not promote Chris Christie as the FUTURE of the GOP!

Dear Chairman Priebus;

The gun-grabbers and the national media can hardly get enough of Governor Christie's attacks on our Second Amendment rights and pro-gun members of the GOP.

After his loud support for so-called "Assault Weapons Bans" and his recent actions signing many new anti-gun bills into law' Governor Christie is the LAST person the Republican Party should promote as the "future of the GOP."

To do so, would be a slap in the face to gun owners who have fought so diligently against President Obama's anti-gun schemes since his election.

Therefore I urge you NOT to promote Governor Christie's as in any way the "future of the Republican Party."


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