National Association for Gun Rights - Newark Mayor Cory Booker and Bloomberg - MAIG

Dear Fellow Patriot,

Billionaire-playboy New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, head of the radical anti-gun group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, is prepared to commit $1 million to help advance Newark Mayor Cory Booker's anti-gun agenda.  1

Booker’s anti-gun positions are no secret:

Earlier this year he embarked on a mission to melt down firearms and turn them into jewelry in order to finance more gun-buyback schemes.   2

Cory Booker even has spelled out his anti-gun positions on his own website:

"Is plainly unacceptable that we don’t have background checks for every gun sale in America, as well as bans on high capacity magazines and assault weapons that have no practical sporting use, and countless other reforms..."   1

And when asked point-blank if he would ban guns he responded by saying:

"I would. If I had the power to do so, I would."   3

Not only does Booker support expanded background checks, so-called "assault weapon" bans, and gun-buyback programs, he's also poised to be the deal-maker on other gun control schemes like:

*** The United Nations "Small Arms" Treaty: a global gun control initiative recently signed by Secretary of State John Kerry which awaits ratification by the U.S. Senate;

*** Anti-Gun Trafficking Legislation: a back-door way of criminalizing as many otherwise lawful gun sales as possible; and,

*** "Mental Health" restrictions and reporting requirements: a way of re-classifying as many Americans as possible as "prohibited persons" for symptoms as simple as caffeine withdrawal and stripped of their gun rights without due process.

Fortunately, you can help make a difference.

Please sign the following petition to Cory Booker urging him to abandon his anti-gun positions right away.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown, Executive Director, National Association for Gun Rights

Dudley Brown

Executive Vice President

National Association for Gun Rights

Petition to anti-gun Newark Mayor Cory Booker

Dear Mayor Cory Booker:

As Mayor of Newark you supported gun buyback schemes, including one dedicated to melting down guns to make jewelry.

You have also expressed your support for anti-gun legislation including expanded background checks, a so-called “assault weapons” ban, a magazine ban, “gun trafficking” legislation aimed at criminalizing more gun sales.

And when once asked point-blank if you would ban guns you said: "I would. If I had the power to do so, I would."

By definition, criminals don’t obey laws and new gun control laws such as those you support make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and their families.

Second Amendment supporters like myself strongly oppose -- and will be paying close attention to any politician who votes for -- new unconstitutional gun control schemes.

As a resident of New Jersey, I URGE you reverse your anti-gun positions and publicly promise to OPPOSE ANY and ALL gun control schemes.



1 = "Protecting Our Communities," Cory Booker for Senate website, accessed 10/7/2013.

2 = Interview with Rachel Maddow, MSNBC. 1/17/2013.

3 = Interview with C-SPAN's Washington Journal, 2000.

Video available: at: