Dear Fellow Patriot,
When you walk into your local gun shop, you may have noticed that guns are starting to return to the shelves.
No, it's not like it used to be.
But I've got bad news.
It might be about to get MUCH worse.
That's because
U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has a plan that could ban you from buying your next handgun!
She's calling on President Obama to unilaterally enact a KEY portion of the U.N. "Small Arms" Treaty.
Using the excuse of a little-known 45 year old section of law dealing with firearms imports as an excuse, this new scheme calls for intercepting and banning as many guns as possible before they ever make it to U.S. shelves.
Essentially it's a de facto "Assault Weapons" ban and a ban thousands of semi-automatic rifles AND pistols.
Worse, Feinstein's begging President Obama to
make it happen with or without Congressional approval!
Let me explain why Feinstein's scheme is so dangerous:
When the Gun Control Act of 1968 was passed, it included a little known and dangerous clause.
The unconstitutional "sporting purpose" test.
It bans importation of firearms that are not "generally recognized as particularly suitable for or readily adaptable to sporting purposes."
Now %%First%%, you and I both know
that the Second Amendment is NOT about "sporting purposes."
But that doesn't matter to Feinstein and her gun-grabbing colleagues if they can use it as an excuse to impose more gun control.
Recently the
ATF has arbitrarily chosen to enforce a narrow, frequently changing, and ever shrinking scope of what
a “sporting purpose†is.
More and more firearms are being banned under this rule every year. Even guns that are used for “sporting purposes.â€
If Feinstein gets her way, virtually any firearm or firearm component
that has been manufactured over seas could be banned from import using this excuse.
At a minimum, Feinstein is demanding that the President immediately ban the importation of:
*** All semi-automatic rifles capable of holding more than 10 rounds or accepting a magazine of 10 or more rounds;
*** All foreign-made firearm components;
*** Any firearm with a thumb-hole stock; and even,
*** The importation of foreign made PISTOLS and HANDGUNS!
Want to buy a Glock? How about a Beretta?
If any part of your so-called "assault pistol" comes from overseas, it could be BANNED
because Dianne Feinstein thinks it has no "sporting purpose."
If the President listens to her, this would be the largest gun ban in American history!
Senator Feinstein is also circulating this plan to Congress right now in order to jump-start President Obama's failed gun control agenda.
She's hoping to open the whole gun control debate again in order to force another "compromise" anti-gun bill.
We've seen this trick before.
But sometimes the best defense is a good offense.
That's why your National Association for Gun Rights is been fighting to eliminate the unconstitutional "sporting purpose" test all together.
We worked to get a pro-gun bill introduced to do away with the unconstitutional "sporting purposes" test.
It's H.R. 2277 by Congressman Doug Collins (R-Georgia).
Unfortunately Republican Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin has let this pro-gun bill rot away in his subcommittee for almost a whole year.
This has left the door wide open for Feinstein and Obama to exploit this little-known 45-year-old law.
This is EXACTLY the type of gun-grabbing activity that the U.N. "Small Arms" treaty calls for.
Feinstein and her gun-grabbing pals think they've found a way to implement this key "Small Arms" treaty provision and impose a draconian gun ban all at the same time.
Meanwhile, the ATF and other federal agencies are persecuting more domestic gun manufacturers and dealers.
I'm afraid
Feinstein's import ban could be the final nail in the coffin for the firearms market.
Your next handgun included.
That's why I need your help. Here's what you can do:
1.) Sign your "Stop Feinstein's Handgun Ban" Petition by clicking here.
2.) Call Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin at 202-225-5101 or 262-784-1111.
URGE him to STOP Feinstein's Handgun Ban by scheduling a hearing and passing H.R. 2277 at once!
Please do not wait.
Please Act today!
For Freedom,
Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President
National Association for Gun Rights