To my U.S. Congressman
and Senators:
Whereas: The Justice Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco
and Firearms (ATF) illegally paid for weapons to be smuggled to drug cartels in
Mexico, and;
Whereas: Barack Obama's administration was planning to use
"Operation Fast & Furious" to force gun control on the American people and undermine
the Second Amendment, and;
Whereas: No member of the President's administration has
been held accountable for the deaths of at least three Americans, and;
Whereas: Barack Obama's notorious anti-gun Attorney General,
Eric Holder, has faced little heat from Congressional investigators into "Operation
Fast & Furious."
Therefore: I demand that you increase the pressure and crank up
the heat on the investigation into the ATF's gun smuggling scandal, "Operation Fast
& Furious" and hold those responsible accountable, including Attorney General Eric