Dear fellow American,
Nearly 1 million American firearms banned by a stroke of Barack Obama’s pen.
In a move unprecedented in American history, the Obama Administration quietly banned the re-importation of nearly 600,000 American made M1 Carbine rifles.
And I've just discovered Obama may be blocking as many 300,000 1911 Colts too! That's nearly one million pieces of American history denied to the American people.
The M1 Carbine, developed in the late 1930’s, carried the United States through World War II seeing action in every major battle.
Now, South Korea, which received the rifles as a loan during the Korean War, wants to give American gun collectors the chance to get their hands on this unique piece of history.
But according to Hillary Clinton’s State Department there is a danger they might, possibly, one day “fall into the wrong hands.”
Let me be clear: at no time in U.S. history has the ownership of this firearm -- or any part of this firearm -- been illegal, restricted or banned.
Americans have collected World War II M1 Carbines for decades.
I’m helping lead the fight to defeat this radical gun ban in the United States Senate and I want your help.
Please join me by taking a public stand AGAINST this outright assault on our Second Amendment rights by signing the Official Firearms Freedom Survey below!
For Freedom,

Rand Paul
U.S. Senator (R-KY)