With the stakes over the National Association for Gun Rights' legal battle growing higher by the day, it's absolutely critical Second Amendment supporters FIGHT BACK.

If we don't, gun-grabbers could very well succeed in wiping Second Amendment supporters off the map as a political force, paving the way for a Hillary Clinton presidency.

       To help ensure the National Association for Gun Rights reaches its $350,000 threshold to fully fund this lawsuit, please consider making a generous contribution after signing the survey:

OPTION 1: I am advising the National Association for Gun Rights to immediately STOP ALL federal legislative programs until appropriate funding levels for this court fight have been achieved;
OPTION 2:I’m advising the National Association for Gun Rights to fight on ALL fronts to stop the gun-grabbers.
First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:

Sign your Legal Defense Survey and be automatically entered to win this Custom NAGR AR-15 provided by DRD Tactical!


Sweepstake Rules
The National Association for Gun Rights, Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt advocacy organization under section 501(c)4 of the IRC.  Contributions or gifts to NAGR are not tax deductible for IRS purposes. Not paid for at taxpayer expense.