Dear NAGR supporter,

The new "Immigration Reform" Bill's national DANGEROUS ID database could easily be used to create a National Gun Registry.

So you and I must do everything we can to stop it!

To help NAGR fight back against this radical scheme, please sign your NO DANGEROUS ID/NO DATABASE petition to turn up the heat on your U.S. Representative and Senators below.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown


No Dangerous ID/No Database

Petition To my

U.S. Congressman and Senators:

Whereas: The new DANGEROUS ID scheme included in the so-called "Immigration Reform" Bill could easily be used as a national gun registry; and
Whereas: Gun-grabbers have been salivating over a National Gun Registry for decades because they understand registration is the first step toward confiscation; and
Whereas: The Obama administration has proven it cannot be trusted with more power over American citizens; and
Whereas: Such as a DANGEROUS ID database scheme could easily be abused;
Therefore: I urge you to vote against ANY so-called "Immigration Reform" Bill including a DANGEROUS ID card or National DANGEROUS ID database of American people.
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