Dear Fellow Patriot,

Harry Reid and the Washington, D.C. gun control lobby have declared all-out war on our Second Amendment rights . . .

. . . and now their sights are set on gutting the Senate filibuster, clearing a path to ram their gun control schemes into law.

Urge Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to oppose Harry Reid's scheme or any so-called "compromise" that would weaken the filibuster!

Please submit your FREE Grassroots Fax authorization below RIGHT NOW!

For freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President

FREE Grassroots Fax to:
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

Whereas:     The Senate filibuster is a vital tool used by the minority in the protection of our the Second Amendment rights; and

Whereas:     Americans who support freedom have relied on the Senate filibuster time and again to defeat legislation that would destroy our gun rights and stop the expansion federal government power; and

Whereas:     The filibuster has protected gun owners from attacks by the gun control lobby who seek to eliminate our right to keep and bear arms.

Therefore:   In the interests of protecting the Second Amendment rights of Americans, I urge you to oppose any effort to weaken or eliminate the Senate filibuster.

By submitting the information below, you authorize the National Association for Gun Rights to fax your petition to the Capitol Hill offices of your Senators and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:

The National Association for Gun Rights is dedicated to protecting your Second Amendment rights.  We will never stop fighting the constant onslaught of anti-gun legislation from Sarah Brady's cronies in Congress, but overcoming such a well-financed enemy is a difficult battle.

Only with the financial support of grassroots gun owners can the National Association for Gun Rights prevail in the fight for your rights.  Please make a generous contribution.

Copyright 2013 National Association for Gun Rights