Dear Gun Rights Supporter,

Now that you've been alerted to how dangerous Harry Reid's "Goose on Steroids" of a Lame Duck session could be, please take action now and sign the petition below.

And after you sign the petition, I hope you'll make a contribution to help the National Association for Gun Rights fund all our programs to protect our rights.

Whether it's $50, $100 or $150, every bit counts in the fight for the Second Amendment.

Thank you, in advance, for taking action today!

In Liberty,

Dudley Brown
Executive Director
National Association for Gun Rights

Petition To my U.S. Senators:

  Whereas:      Numerous media reports prove President Obama and his anti-gun cronies in Congress will attempt to use the “lame duck” session of Congress to ram through their entire Big Government agenda; and,

  Whereas:      H.R. 2159, the so-called “Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009” would allow anti-gun Attorney Generals to revoke the Second Amendment rights of any American he or she chooses based on pure “suspicion;” and,

  Whereas:      A new “assault weapons ban” would ban many common firearms used for hunting and self-defense based solely on purely cosmetic features, clearly violating the Second Amendment; and,

  Whereas:      H.R. 45, the so-called “catch all” gun control bill would create a national gun registry, require a twoday waiting period, hike taxes on gun sales, federally ban ALL private firearms sales and force lawabiding gun owners to take a written exam just to prove they’re “fit” to own a firearm; and,

  Whereas:      The U.N.’s so-called “Small Arms Treaty,” would confiscate and destroy ALL “unauthorized” civilian firearms and set the stage for international gun confiscation;

  Therefore:     I urge you to vote AGAINST any assault on law-abiding gun owners Second Amendment rights during the “lame duck” session of Congress.

First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:

The National Association for Gun Rights is dedicated to protecting your
Second Amendment rights.  We will never stop fighting the constant
onslaught of anti-gun legislation from Sarah Brady's cronies in Congress,
but overcoming such a well-financed enemy is a difficult battle

Only with the financial support of grassroots gun owners can help National
Association for Gun Rights prevail in the fight to fight for your rights.
Please make a generous contribution.

Copyright © 2010 National Association for Gun Rights