National Association for Gun Rights - No Gun Control Deals Petition

Dear NAGR Supporter,

Thanks for signing the NEW "No Gun Control, No Deals" petition to your U.S. Senators and Congressman.

Congratulations to our THREE winners, stay tuned to see whats next!

If you have'nt yet signed the petition I urge you to do so below.

1st Prize
Colt 6920 AR-15
2nd Prize
Glock 22
3rd Prize
Hawk 982 12GA


For freedom,

Dudley Brown, Executive Director, National Association for Gun Rights

Dudley Brown

Executive Vice President

National Association for Gun Rights

NEW "No Gun Control, No Deals" Petition
To my U.S. Senators and Congressman
Whereas: Barack Obama is back for "Round Two," doing everything in his power to pass ANY gun control bill; and
Whereas: By definition, criminals don't obey laws and new gun control laws make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and their families; and
Whereas: The Second Amendment clearly states "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."; and
Whereas: Second Amendment supporters like myself strongly oppose – and will be paying close attention to any Senator or Congressman who votes for – new unconstitutional gun control schemes; and
Therefore: As your constituent, I INSIST you OPPOSE ANY and ALL gun control legislation.
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