Fellow Gun Rights Supporter,
Mayor Bloomberg is spending millions of dollars to fund an all out campaign to ram the Bloomberg-Brady Ban on Private Firearm Sales (S. 843) into law.
That's why I need you to sign the petition below demanding Majority Leader Harry Reid and your U.S. Senators publicly oppose S. 843.
As Senate Majority Leader, Senator Reid has the power to completely control the legislative agenda in the Senate.
When he likes a bill, it gets voted on. When he wants to kill a bill, it dies a slow, bitter death.
Harry Reid is facing a tough reelection campaign and is claiming to be pro-gun so even with his past anti-gun votes, he is vulnerable to your pressure.
So sign the petition below and demand Harry Reid and your Senators do everything in their power to defend gun rights and, if you can, chip in $10 towards this battle.
For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Director
National Association for Gun Rights