
Dear Fellow Patriot,

Joe Biden and The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) are blatantly attacking law-abiding gun owners.

Without any act of Congress, Biden and the unelected bureaucrats at the ATF are trying to ban common firearms accessories that do absolutely nothing to alter the functionality of a gun.

In doing so, they are attempting to render countless law-abiding gun owners as criminals for not registering their legally-purchased property.

That's why I need you to take IMMEDIATE action and DEMAND the ATF cease and desist by signing your STOP the Firearm Accessory Ban Petition below.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
National Association for Gun Rights

STOP The Firearm Accessory Ban!

Emergency Fax Petition
To: the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)

WHEREAS: After repeatedly admitting it lacks the authority to do so and ceasing a similar attempted ban just a few months ago, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) is again trying to RAM through an arm brace ban making millions of gun owners criminals overnight by executive fiat without congressional approval; and,

WHEREAS: This proposed ban rips open the door for gun grabbers to ban scores of firearm components and accessories without warning; and

WHEREAS: President Biden, and newly confirmed Attorney General Merrick Garland, will surely abuse such a ruling to ban and confiscate thousands or millions of currently legal firearms; and

WHEREAS: For decades, the anti-gun Left has been demanding an unconstitutional rule like this so they can turn millions of commonly-owned firearms into "illegal guns" with the stroke of a pen.

THEREFORE: As a law-abiding supporter of the Second Amendment, I insist you STOP this firearm accessory ban.


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